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Cell Biolabs_2025年Cell Biolabs代理商



Cell Biolabs代理商,Cell Biolabs正牌代理商,Cell Biolabs一级代理,Cell Biolabs授权代理商,Cell Biolabs代理
美国Cell Biolabs公司致力于开发生命科学研究领域的技术和研究工具。产品覆盖细胞分析、病毒表达系统、氧化应激分析、细胞信号转导、干细胞研究和miRNA分析等领域,以期在细胞功能和疾病机制研究领域达到新高度。


美国Cell Biolabs公司致力于开发生命科学研究领域的技术和研究工具。产品覆盖细胞分析、病毒表达系统、氧化应激分析、细胞信号转导、干细胞研究和miRNA分析等领域,以期在细胞功能和疾病机制研究领域达到新高度。Cell Biolabs公司善于将新技术转化为商业用途产品,其产品独-具特色且处于行业前沿水平。


● 细胞分析

● 病毒表达和纯化试剂

● 氧化应激分析

● G蛋白信号转导/小G蛋白
环腺苷酸 (AMP) 分析 、环鸟苷酸 (GMP) 分析、 GRP-PH同源结构域重组蛋白及特色的小G蛋白研究工具。
此外,Cell Biolabs公司还可提供报告基因分析,细胞和试剂、microRNA分析和干细胞研究的相关试剂等。


欣博盛生物科技有限公司成立于2007年,是一家致力于生命科学和生物技术领域的高科技企业。我们与Cell Biolabs公司合作多年,且也是Cell Biolabs授权2025年正牌代理。负责Cell Biolabs公司产品在国内的销售,以及技术解答,并享有Cell Biolabs产品的更好价格和货期。如需购买Cell Biolabs产品,咨询产品技术问题,请联系欣博盛生物。


cell biolabsAAV-100293AAV Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAAV-200ViraDuctin™ AAV  Transduction Kit (10 Transductions)10 transductions欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAAV-201ViraDuctin™ AAV  Transduction Kit (50 Transductions)50 transductions欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAAV-400pAAV-GFP Control  Vector10  µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAAV-450pLenti-AAVR-Puro  Vector10  µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAD-100293AD Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-100β-Galactosidase  Staining Kit1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-103PhosphoBlocker™  Blocking Reagent1L欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-104PhosphoBlocker™  Blocking Reagent4L欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-110Rapid GST Inclusion  Body Solubilization and Renaturation Kit1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-120GFP Quantitation Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-121GFP ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-121-5GFP ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-122RFP ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-130His-Tag Protein ELISA  Kit96 wells欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-171Nuclear/Cytosolic  Fractionation Kit20 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-172Nuclear/Cytosolic  Fractionation Kit100 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-1905X RIPA Buffer with  Protease Inhibitor Cocktail20mL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-1915X RIPA Buffer20mL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-200293/GFP Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-209A549/GFP Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-213HeLa/GFP Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-214NIH3T3/GFP Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5153LTA (Lipoteichoic  Acid) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5182DNA Coating Solution,  with 96-well Plate10mL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5183DNA Coating Solution100mL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5184DNA High-Binding  Plates5 plates欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5185GST ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5186Streptavidin ELISA  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5187Avidin ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsAKR-5188DYKDDDDK-Tag Protein  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsBCT-5173E. coli O157 ELISA  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsBCT-5176Listeria  monocytogenes p60 ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-050CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (Fibronectin, Colorimetric)48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-051CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (Fibronectin, Fluorometric)48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-070CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Colorimetric)48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-070-5CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Colorimetric)5 x 48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-071CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Fluorometric)48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-071-5CytoSelect™ 48-well  Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Fluorometric)5 x 48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-080CytoSelect™ 24-well  Anoikis Assay (Colorimetric/Fluorometric)24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-081CytoSelect™ 96-well  Anoikis Assay (Colorimetric/Fluorometric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-100CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Colorimetric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-100-5CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Colorimetric5 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-100-CCytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Colorimetric, Combo Kit2 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-100-C-5CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Colorimetric, Combo Kit10 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-100-COLCytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), COL-coated, Colorimetric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-100-FNCytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), FN-coated, Colorimetric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-101CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-101-5CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric5 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-101-CCytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Fluorometric, Combo Kit2 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-101-COLCytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), COL-coated, Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-101-FNCytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), FN-coated, Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-102CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-102-5CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric5 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-103CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-103-5CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric5 x 12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-104CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-104-5CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-105CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-105-5CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-106CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-106-5CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-106-CCytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Fluorometric, Combo Kit2 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-107CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (12 μm), Colorimetric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-108CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Migration Assay (12 μm), Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-110CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane), Colorimetric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-110-COLCytoSelect™ 24-well  Collagen Cell Invasion, Colorimetric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-111CytoSelect™ 24-well  Cell Invasion (Basement Membrane), Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-111-COLCytoSelect™ 24-well  Collagen Cell Invasion Assay, Fluorometric12 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-112CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane), Fluorometric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-112-COLCytoSelect™ 96-well  Collagen Cell Invasion Assay, Fluorometric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-120CytoSelect™ 24-well  Wound Healing Assay24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-120-5CytoSelect™ 24-well  Wound Healing Assay5 x 24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-120-TCytoSelect™ 24-Well  Wound Healing Assay, Trial Size6 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-125Radius™ 24-Well Cell  Migration Assay24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-125-5Radius™ 24-Well Cell  Migration Assay5 x 24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-125-COLRadius™ 24-Well Cell  Migration Assay, (Collagen I Coated)24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-126Radius™ 96-Well Cell  Migration Assay96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-126-5Radius™ 96-Well Cell  Migration Assay5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-130CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Transformation Assay96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-130-5CytoSelect™ 96-well  Cell Transformation Assay5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-135CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Colorimetric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-135-5CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Colorimetric5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-140CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Fluorometric96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-140-5CytoSelect™ Cell  Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Fluorometric5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-150CytoSelect™ 96-well  In Vitro Tumor Sensitivity Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-150-5CytoSelect™ 96-well  In Vitro Tumor Sensitivity Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-160CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Cell Co-Culture System24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-160-5CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Cell Co-Culture System5 x 24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-200Endothelial Tube  Formation Assay (In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay)50 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-201Collagen-based Cell  Contraction Assay24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-210CytoSelect™  Leukocyte-endothelium Adhesion Assay100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-212CytoSelect™ Leukocyte  Transmigration Assay24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-216CytoSelect™ Tumor  Transendothelial Migration Assay24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-220CytoSelect™ 96-well  Phagocytosis Assay (Red Blood Cell)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-222CytoSelect™ 96-Well  Phagocytosis Assay (E. coli, Colorimetric Format)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-224CytoSelect™ 96-well  Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-224-5CytoSelect™ 96-well  Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-230Cellular Senescence  Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining)50 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-230-5Cellular Senescence  Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining)5 x 50 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-23196-well Cellular  Senescence Assay (SA β-Gal Activity)120 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-231-596-well Cellular  Senescence Assay (SA β-Gal Activity)5 x 120 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-232Quantitative Cellular  Senescence Assay10 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-232-5Quantitative Cellular  Senescence Assay5 x 10 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-240CytoSelect™ Cell  Viability and Cytotoxicity Assay96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-241CytoSelect™ LDH  Cytotoxicity Assay Kit960 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-251CytoSelect™ BrdU Cell  Proliferation ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-252CytoSelect™ MTT Cell  Proliferation Assay960 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-253CytoSelect™ Cell  Proliferation Assay Reagent (Colorimetric)10 mL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-300StemTAG™ Alkaline  Phosphatase Staining Kit (Red)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-301StemTAG™ Alkaline  Phosphatase Activity Assay Kit, Colorimetric100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-306StemTAG™ Alkaline  Phosphatase Staining Kit (Purple)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-310MEF Feeder Cells1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-312MEF Feeder Cells  (Puromycin-resistant)1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-316SNL Feeder Cells1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-320CytoSelect™ 96-Well  Hematopoietic Colony Forming Cell Assay (96 assays)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-320-5CytoSelect™ 96-Well  Hematopoietic Colony Forming Cell Assay (5 x 96 assays)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-5020CytoSelect™ 24-Well  Cell Contraction Assay Kit (Floating Matrix Model)24 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-5021CytoSelect™ 48-Well  Cell Contraction Assay Kit48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-5037Radius™ 48-Well Cell  Migration Assay48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-5037-5Radius™ 48-Well Cell  Migration Assay5 x 48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-5116Autophagy ELISA Kit  (LC3-II Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsCBA-5117Cellular Autophagy  ELISA Kit (LC3-II Quantitation)48 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsLTV-100293LTV Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsLTV-200ViraDuctin™  Lentivirus Transduction Kit (40 Transductions)40 transductions欣博盛生物
cell biolabsLTV-201ViraDuctin™  Lentivirus Transduction Kit (200 Transductions)200 transductions欣博盛生物
cell biolabsLTV-300GFP Lentivirus  Control1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsLTV-400pLenti-GFP Lentiviral  Control Vector100 µL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsLTV-401pSMPUW-GFP-Puro  Lentiviral Control Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5001Lactose Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5005Total Bile Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5007Cholic Acid ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5008Chenodeoxycholic Acid  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5010Bilirubin Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5011Lipid Droplet  Isolation Kit50 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5012Lactate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5013Lactate Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5014NAD+/NADH Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5016Soluble Collagen  Assay Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5018NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5019Total Phosphatidic  Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5022Glycogen Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5023Glycogen Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5025Starch Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5026Starch Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5027Homocitrulline/Citrulline  Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5028DAG (Diacylglycerol)  Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5029Pyruvate Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5030NAD+/NADH Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5031NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5053Total Thiol Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5054L-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5055L-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5056Branched Chain Amino  Acid Assay Kit192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5068Folic Acid ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5068-5Folic Acid ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5070Glycine Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5071Taurine Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5073Tyrosine Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5080Glutamate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5081Glucose-6-Phosphate  Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) Activity Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5082Beta-Hydroxybutyrate  (Ketone Body) Assay Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5083Beta-Hydroxybutyrate  (Ketone Body) Assay Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5085Phospholipid Assay  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5086Ammonia Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5090Adenosine Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5092Inosine Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5093Alanine Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5095Beta Hexosaminidase  Activity Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5097N6-Methyladenosine  (m6A) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-50991-Methyladenosine  (m1A) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5099-51-Methyladenosine  (m1A) ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5119Malate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5120Malate Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5121Calcium Assay  Kit250 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5122Indole Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5123Alanine  Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5124Alanine  Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5125Pyruvate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5127Aspartate  Aminotransferase (AST) Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5129Lysine Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5130Lysine Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5131α-Ketoglutarate Assay  Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5132α-Ketoglutarate Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5133Formate Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5135Gentamicin  Competitive ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5136D-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5137D-Amino Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5138Zinc Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5144Kanamycin Competitive  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5147Guanine Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5148Guanine Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5149Guanosine Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5150Xanthine/Hypoxanthine  Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5151S-Adenosylhomocysteine  (SAH) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5151-CS-Adenosylmethionine  (SAM) and S-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ELISA Combo Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5152S-Adenosylmethionine  (SAM) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5156Total Sialic Acid  Assay Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5157Total Sialic Acid  Assay Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5158Methionine Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5159Pyrophosphate Assay  Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5160Adenosine  Monophosphate Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5162Phosphoenolpyruvate  Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5163ATP Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5164ADP Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5165Glutamine Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5166Glutamine Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-51672-Phosphoglycerate  Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5177Tryptophan Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5180Urea Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5181Ammonia Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5194Histidine Assay  Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5195Phenylalanine Assay  Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsMET-5196Proline Assay  Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsPRB-5079Cas9 (CRISPR  Associated Protein 9) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-001-PUROpBABE-Puro Retroviral  Vector10 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-010pMXs Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-011pMXs-Neo Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-012pMXs-Puro Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-013pMXs-IRES-GFP  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-014pMXs-IRES-Puro  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-015pMXs-IRES-Neo  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-016pMXs-IRES-Bsd  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-017pMXs-miRNA-GFP/Puro  Retroviral Expression Vector10 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-020pMYs Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-021pMYs-IRES-GFP  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-022pMYs-IRES-Puro  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-023pMYs-IRES-Neo  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-024pMYs-Puro Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-030pMZs Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-040pMCs-IRES-GFP  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-041pMCs-Puro Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-050pMX-GFP Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-051pMCs-GFP Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-052pMYs-GFP Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-053pMXs-GFP/Puro  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-060pMXs-EF1-Puro  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-061pMXs-EF1-GFP  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-062pMXs-EF1-Bsd  Retroviral Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-063pMXs-EF1α Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-064pMXs-CAG Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-065pMXs-CMV Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-066pMXs-SRα Retroviral  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRTV-5106pMXs-Cas9-Puro  Retroviral Vector100 µL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-100293RTV Cell Line1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-101Platinum-E Retroviral  Packaging Cell Line, Ecotropic1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-102Platinum-A Retroviral  Packaging Cell Line, Amphotropic1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-103Platinum-GP  Retroviral Packaging Cell Line, Pantropic1 vial欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-110pCMV-VSV-G Retroviral  Vector10 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-111pCMV-Gag-Pol  Retroviral Vector10 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-112pCMV-Eco Envelope  Vector100 µL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-113pCMV-Ampho Envelope  Vector100 µL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-114pCMV-10A1 Envelope  Vector100 µL欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-200ViraDuctin™  Retrovirus Transduction Kit (40 Transductions)40 transductions欣博盛生物
cell biolabsRV-201ViraDuctin™  Retrovirus Transduction Kit (200 Transductions)200 transductions欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-011Mouse  Anti-Methylglyoxal Monoclonal Antibody100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-035Rabbit  Anti-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) Polyclonal Antibody100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-078Rabbit  Anti-Carbamyl-Lysine (CBL) Polyclonal Antibody50 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-201Recombinant EGFP100 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-201-5Recombinant EGFP5 x 100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-212Malondialdehyde (MDA)  Modified Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-214Copper (Cu++)  Oxidized Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-301OxiSelect™ BPDE  Protein Adduct ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-302CEL-BSA Control100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-305OxiSelect™  Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit (1 plate)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-305-5OxiSelect™  Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit (5 plates)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-307OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl Fluorometric Assay100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-308OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl Immunoblot Kit10 blots欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-309Oxidized Protein  Immunoblot Control (Carbonyl-BSA)10 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-310OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl ELISA Kit (1 plate)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-310-5OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbonyl ELISA Kit (5 plates)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-312OxiSelect™ Total  Glutathione (GSSG/GSH) Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-318OxiSelect™ AOPP Assay  Kit (200 assays)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-320OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-320-5OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-320-TOxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation), Trial Size32 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-321OxiSelect™ DNA  Double-Strand Break (DSB) Staining Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-321-TOxiSelect™ DNA Double  Strand Break (DSB) Staining Kit, Trial Size20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-322OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-322-5OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-322-COxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Combo Kit (CPD / 6-4PP Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-323OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-323-5OxiSelect™ UV-Induced  DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-324OxiSelect™ Oxidative  DNA Damage Quantitation Kit (AP sites)50 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-325OxiSelect™ Oxidative  RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation) (96 tests)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-325-5OxiSelect™ Oxidative  RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation) (5x96 tests)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-326OxiSelect™ Cellular  UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-326-5OxiSelect™ Cellular  UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-327OxiSelect™ Cellular  UV-Induced DNA Damage Staining Kit (CPD)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-330OxiSelect™ TBARS  Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-330-5OxiSelect™ TBARS  Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation)5 x 200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-333MDA-BSA Control100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-335HNE-BSA Control100 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-337OxiSelect™  8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-337-5OxiSelect™  8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-339OxiSelect™ Catalase  Activity Assay Kit, Fluorometric500 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-340OxiSelect™ Superoxide  Dismutase Activity Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-341OxiSelect™ Catalase  Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-342OxiSelect™  Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-342-5OxiSelect™  Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-342-TOxiSelect™  Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence), Trial Size20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-344OxiSelect™ Hydrogen  Peroxide / Peroxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric)500 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-345OxiSelect™ ORAC  Activity Assay Kit192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-345-5OxiSelect™ ORAC  Activity Assay Kit5 x 192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-346OxiSelect™ HORAC  Activity Assay Kit192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-346-5OxiSelect™ HORAC  Activity Assay Kit5 x 192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-347OxiSelect™ In Vitro  ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-347-5OxiSelect™ In Vitro  ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-347-T
   OxiSelect™ In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence), Trial Size
20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-349OxiSelect™ Cellular  Antioxidant Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence)192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-350OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (3-Well Slides)15 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-351OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (3-Well Slides)75 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-351-5OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (3-Well Slides)5 x 75 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-352OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Slides (3-Well)5 slides欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-353OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Slides (3-Well)25 slides欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-353-5OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Slides (3-Well)5 x 25 slides欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-355OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-355-5OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-356OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Slide1 slide欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-356-5OxiSelect™ 96-Well  Comet Assay Slide5 slides欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-357OxiSelect™ BPDE DNA  Adduct ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-360OxiSelect™ Total  Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-369OxiSelect™ Human  Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (MDA-LDL Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-375Uric Acid/Uricase  Assay Kit400 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-378Urinary Creatinine  Assay Kit192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-380Global DNA  Methylation ELISA Kit (5’-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-380-5Global DNA  Methylation ELISA Kit (5’-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine Quantitation)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-382Urea Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-383Human Albumin ELISA  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-384Total Cholesterol  Assay Kit (Colorimetric)192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-388OxiSelect™ Human  Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (CML-LDL Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-389OxiSelect™ Human  Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (HNE-LDL Quantitation)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-390Total Cholesterol  Assay Kit192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-391HDL and LDL/VLDL  Cholesterol Assay Kit192 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-394HDL-Cholesterol Assay  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-396Serum Triglyceride  Quantification Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-397Serum Triglyceride  Quantification Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-398Free Glycerol Assay  Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-399Free Glycerol Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-400Pan-Ras Activation  Assay20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-401-1Rac1 Activation Assay20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-401-2Rac2 Activation Assay20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-402Cdc42 Activation  Assay20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-403-ARhoA Activation Assay20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-404Rac1/Cdc42 Activation  Assay Combo Kit2 x 20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-405RhoA/Rac1/CDC42  Activation Assay Combo Kit3 x 10 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-406-1Rap1 Activation Assay  Kit20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-410Raf-1 RBD Agarose  Beads400 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-411PAK1 PBD Agarose  Beads400 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-412Rhotekin RBD Agarose  Beads400 μg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-415ROCK Activity  Immunoblot Kit20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-41696-Well ROCK Activity  Assay Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-416-596-Well ROCK Activity  Assay Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-418RalGDS RBD Agarose  Beads400 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-419GGA3 PBD Agarose  Beads400 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-44096-Well Ras  Activation ELISA Kit (Colorimetric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-44196-Well Ras  Activation ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-500cAMP ELISA Kit  (Colorimetric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-500-5cAMP ELISA Kit  (Colorimetric)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-501cAMP ELISA Kit  (Chemiluminescent)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-501-5cAMP ELISA Kit  (Chemiluminescent)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-600Phosphatidylcholine  Assay Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-601Sphingomyelin Assay  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-602Acetylcholine Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-603Acetylcholine Assay  Kit (Colorimetric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-606LDL/VLDL Purification  Kit (Ultracentrifugation Free)10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-607HDL Purification Kit  (Ultracentrifugation Free)10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-608LDL/VLDL and HDL  Purification Kit (Ultracentrifugation Free)10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-610Lipoprotein Lipase  (LPL) Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-612Lipid Extraction Kit  (Chloroform-Free)50 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-613Lipid Quantitation  Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-614Human Cholesteryl  Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-617Lipid Quantification  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-618Free Fatty Acid Assay  Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-619Free Fatty Acid Assay  Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-620Alcohol Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-621Alcohol Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-631Total Bile Acid Assay  Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-674Glutamate Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-675Hydroxyproline Assay  Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-680Glucose Assay Kit  (Colorimetric)500 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-681Glucose Assay Kit  (Fluorometric)500 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-682Total Carbohydrate  Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-800OxiSelect™  Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Fluorometric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-800-5OxiSelect™  Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Fluorometric)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-801OxiSelect™ In Vitro  Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Fluorometric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-801-5OxiSelect™ In Vitro  Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Fluorometric)5 x 100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-802OxiSelect™ In Vitro  Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Colorimetric)100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-802-5OxiSelect™ In Vitro  Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Colorimetric)5 x 100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-803OxiSelect™  Myeloperoxidase Chlorination Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-811
   OxiSelect™ Methylglyoxal (MG) Competitive ELISA Kit
96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-811-5
   OxiSelect™ Methylglyoxal (MG) Competitive ELISA Kit
5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-812OxiSelect™  Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-813OxiSelect™  Nε-(carboxyethyl) lysine (CEL) Competitive ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-813-5OxiSelect™  Nε-(carboxyethyl) lysine (CEL) Competitive ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-816OxiSelect™  Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) Competitive ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-816-5OxiSelect™  Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) Competitive ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-817OxiSelect™ Advanced  Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-817-5OxiSelect™ Advanced  Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-817-TOxiSelect™ Advanced  Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit, Trial Size32 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-832OxiSelect™ MDA Adduct  Competitive ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-832-5OxiSelect™ MDA Adduct  Competitive ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-838OxiSelect™ HNE Adduct  Competitive ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-838-5OxiSelect™ HNE Adduct  Competitive ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-838-TOxiSelect™ HNE Adduct  Competitive ELISA Kit, Trial Size32 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-844OxiSelect™ Hydrogen  Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit (Colorimetric)500 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-850OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (10-Well Slides)50 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-851OxiSelect™ Comet  Assay Kit (10-Well Slides)250 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-852OxiSelect™ 10-Well  Comet Assay Slides5 slides欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-853OxiSelect™ 10-Well  Comet Assay Slides25 slides欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-859OxiSelect™ Ferric  Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-860OxiSelect™ Ascorbic  Acid Assay Kit (FRASC)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsSTA-877OxiSelect™ Protein  Carbamylation Sandwich ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-099ViraBind™ Adenovirus  Miniprep Kit10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-106QuickTiter™  Adenovirus Quantitation Kit20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-107QuickTiter™  Lentivirus Titer Kit (Lentivirus-Associated p24 ELISA)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-107-5QuickTiter™  Lentivirus Titer Kit (Lentivirus-Associated p24 ELISA)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-107-TQuickTiter™  Lentivirus Titer Kit (Lentivirus-Associated HIV p24), Trial Size32 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-108-HQuickTiter™ HIV  Lentivirus Quantitation Kit (p24 ELISA)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-108-H-5QuickTiter™ HIV  Lentivirus Quantitation Kit (p24 ELISA)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-109QuickTiter™  Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-110QuickTiter™  Adenovirus Titer ELISA Kit2 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-111Rapid RCA Assay Kit30 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-111-5Rapid RCA Assay Kit5 x 30 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-112QuickTiter™  Lentivirus Quantitation Kit20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-120QuickTiter™  Retrovirus Quantitation Kit20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-140ViraBind™ AAV  Purification Kit10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-141ViraBind™ AAV  Purification Mega Kit2 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-141-5ViraBind™ AAV  Purification Mega Kit10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-145QuickTiter™ AAV  Quantitation Kit20 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-150QuickTiter™ HBV Core  Antigen ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-150-5QuickTiter™ HBV Core  Antigen ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-151QuickTiter™ HCV Core  Antigen ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-156QuickTiter™ MuLV Core  Antigen ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-206ViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Packaging System, Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-211pSMPUW Universal  Lentiviral Expression Vector (Promoterless)10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-211-PANViraSafe™ Universal  Lentiviral Expression System, Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-212pSMPUW-Puro  Lentiviral Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-212-PANViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Expression System (Puro), Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-213pSMPUW-Neo Lentiviral  Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-213-PANViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Expression System (Neo), Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-214pSMPUW-Hygro  Lentiviral Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-214-PANViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Expression System (Hygro), Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-215pSMPUW-IRES-Puro  Lentiviral Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-215-PANViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Bicistronic Expression System (Puro), Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-216pSMPUW-IRES-Neo  Lentiviral Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-216-PANViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Bicistronic Expression System (Neo), Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-217pSMPUW-IRES-Hygro  Lentiviral Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-217-PANViraSafe™ Lentiviral  Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro), Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-250RAPAd® Universal  Adenoviral Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-252RAPAd® CMV Adenoviral  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-300Platinum Retroviral  Expression System, Ecotropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-301Platinum Retroviral  Expression System, Amphotropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-302Platinum Retroviral  Expression System, Pantropic1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-400-DJAAV-DJ Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-400-DJ-8AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-401AAV-1 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-402AAV-2 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-403AAV-3 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-404AAV-4 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-405AAV-5 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-406AAV-6 Helper Free  Packaging System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410pAAV-MCS Expression  Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-DJAAV-DJ Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-DJ-8AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-SER1AAV-1 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-SER2AAV-2 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-SER3AAV-3 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-SER4AAV-4 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-SER5AAV-5 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-410-SER6AAV-6 Helper Free  Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411pAAV-MCS Promoterless  Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-DJAAV-DJ Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-DJ-8AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-SER1AAV-1 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-SER2AAV-2 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-SER3AAV-3 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-SER4AAV-4 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-SER5AAV-5 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-411-SER6AAV-6 Helper Free  Promoterless Expression System1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418pAAV-IRES-GFP  Expression Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-DJAAV-DJ Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-DJ-8AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-SER1AAV-1 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-SER2AAV-2 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-SER3AAV-3 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-SER4AAV-4 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-SER5AAV-5 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-418-SER6AAV-6 Helper Free  Bicistronic Expression System (GFP)1 kit欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-420-DJpAAV-DJ Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-420-DJ-8pAAV-DJ/8 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-420-KP1pAAV-KP1 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-420-LK03pAAV-LK03 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-421pAAV-RC1 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-422pAAV-RC2 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-423pAAV-RC3 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-424pAAV-RC4 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-425pAAV-RC5 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-426pAAV-RC6 Vector10 µg欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5003QuickTiter™ Hepatitis  B "e" Antigen (HBeAg) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5003-5QuickTiter™ Hepatitis  B "e" Antigen (HBeAg) ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5004QuickTiter™ Hepatitis  B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5004-5QuickTiter™ Hepatitis  B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5112PureVirus™ Adenovirus  Purification Kit10 preps欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5118AAV Rep ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5145SARS-CoV-2  Nucleocapsid ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5145-5SARS-CoV-2  Nucleocapsid ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5154West Nile Virus  Envelope Protein ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5155SARS-CoV-2 Spike  Protein S1 ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5155-5SARS-CoV-2 Spike  Protein S1 ELISA Kit5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5161Zika NS1 Protein  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5168QuickTiter™ Wild Type  Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5169Adenovirus Hexon  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5170RSV Fusion Protein  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5171RSV Nucleoprotein  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5172Human Cytomegalovirus  Glycoprotein B (HCMV gB) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5174Influenza A  Nucleoprotein ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5175Influenza B  Nucleoprotein ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5178Herpes Simplex Virus  Glycoprotein D (gD) ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5189Influenza A  Immunoplaque Assay Kit60 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5190Influenza B  Immunoplaque Assay Kit60 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsVPK-5191Viral Plaque Assay  Kit120 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXAN-5040OxiSelect™ Trolox  Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) Assay Kit (ABTS)200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXAN-5077OxiSelect™ Flavonoid  Assay Kit200 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXAN-5084OxiSelect™ Free  Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Assay Kit100 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXAN-5126Chitosan Assay Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXDN-5114Poly (ADP-Ribose)  ELISA Kit96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXPX-5000OxiSelect™ Monoamine  Oxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXPX-5000-5OxiSelect™ Monoamine  Oxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXPX-5006OxiSelect™ Monoamine  Oxidase Assay Kit (Colorimetric)96 assays欣博盛生物
cell biolabsXPX-5006-5OxiSelect™ Monoamine  Oxidase Assay Kit (Colorimetric)5 x 96 assays欣博盛生物
Cayman10006317Mifepristone5 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006317Mifepristone500 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006318Levonorgestrel100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006318Levonorgestrel1 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006318Levonorgestrel500 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006318Levonorgestrel5 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006319Norgestrel100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006319Norgestrel1 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006319Norgestrel500 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006319Norgestrel5 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006320Quinestrol1 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006320Quinestrol100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006320Quinestrol250 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006320Quinestrol500 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006321Tibolone1 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006321Tibolone100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006321Tibolone250 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006321Tibolone500 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006326Procysteine1 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006326Procysteine10 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006326Procysteine25 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006326Procysteine5 g欣博盛生物
Cayman10006329EUK 13410 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006329EUK 134100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006329EUK 1345 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006329EUK 13450 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman100063302,3-dinor Thromboxane  B1100 µg欣博盛生物
Cayman100063302,3-dinor Thromboxane  B125 µg欣博盛生物
Cayman100063302,3-dinor Thromboxane  B150 µg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006341PDM 1110 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006341PDM 11100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006341PDM 1125 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006341PDM 1150 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006342PDM 210 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006342PDM 2100 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006342PDM 250 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006350HU-2111 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006350HU-21110 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006350HU-21125 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006350HU-2115 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006355Melanocortin-4  Receptor Polyclonal Antibody1 ea (500 µl)欣博盛生物
Cayman10006356Melanocortin-4  Receptor Blocking Peptide1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006371Hormone-Sensitive  Lipase Polyclonal Antibody500 µl欣博盛生物
Cayman10006372Hormone-Sensitive  Lipase Blocking Peptide1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006373S1P3 Polyclonal  Antibody1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006374S1P3 Blocking Peptide200 µg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006389HDAC Assay Buffer  (10X)1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006391HDAC Trichostatin A1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006392HDAC Substrate1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006393HDAC Deacetylated  Standard1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006394HDAC Developer1 ea欣博盛生物
Cayman10006400CAY104621 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006400CAY1046210 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006400CAY104625 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006400CAY1046250 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006407FTY720 (R)-Phosphate1 mg欣博盛生物
Cayman10006407FTY720 (R)-Phosphate10 mg欣博盛生物


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