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Enzo Life Sciences热销产品:EFLUXX-ID®多药耐药性分析试剂盒

更新时间:2023-07-27   点击次数:409次

Enzo Life Sciences公司的EFLUXX-ID®多药耐药性分析试剂盒可实现对三个临床相关的ABC转运蛋白MDR1 (p-glycoprotein), MRP1/2BCRP的功能检测。试剂盒采用疏水性的非荧光化合物,很容易穿透细胞膜,细胞内脂酶将其水解为亲水性的荧光染料。除非ABC转运蛋白通过主动运输将其泵出胞外,否则产生的荧光染料将包裹在细胞内。因此如果细胞对药物有抗性作用,荧光强度就会减弱。EFLUXX-ID®多药耐药性分析试剂盒是目前少有可同时监测三种主要的ABC转运蛋白并能够分析单泵活性的试剂盒。

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EFLUXX-ID® Green multidrug resistance assay kit

1*1Kit(100 assays For flow cytometry)


EFLUXX-ID® Gold multidrug resistance assay kit

1*1Kit(100 assays For flow cytometry)



● 可检测与3ABC转运蛋白活性相关的多药耐药性

● 通过单一专有染料定量检测活细胞中MDR活性,并以MDR活性因子(MAF)表征

● 试剂盒内含有已知的MDR1MRP1/2BCRP特异性抑制剂

● 操作简单,无需洗涤,1h 内可获得结果

● 可检测Calcein AM无法检测到的BCRP蛋白活性

● 有绿色和金色两种荧光染料可供选择

● 两种染料均可与表达GFP的细胞系或其他CELLESTIAL®染料同时使用



● EFLUXX-ID® Green 490/514nm ex/emEFLUXX-ID® Gold 530/570nm ex/em试剂的光谱特性可与其他常见荧光染料进行多重检测。



● 使用EFLUXX-ID®GreenEFLUXX-ID®Gold染料在CHO K1细胞中评估已知抑制剂对ABC转运蛋白活性的分析


将细胞与试剂盒中含有的MDR通用抑制剂(最左列)或转运蛋白特异性抑制剂在37°C下孵育5 min。随后在37°C下用指-定的染料染色细胞30 min,并立即通过流式细胞术进行分析。所用抑制剂:5 µM Cyclosporin AMDR通用抑制剂)、20 µM VerapamilP-gp特异性抑制剂)、0.05 mM MK-571MRP特异性抑制剂)、0.05 mM NovobiocinBCRP特异性抑制剂)。


● 三种主要ABC转运蛋白的活性分析


 使用EFLUXX-ID®Green(上)、Gold(中)或Calcein AM(下)染料,通过流式细胞术评估CHO K1细胞中ABC转运蛋白的活性。与未处理的细胞相比,用ABC转运蛋白特异性抑制剂(图中阴影部分)处理可诱导染料在细胞内的滞留(图中实线部分)。平均荧光强度(MFI)的差异表明了对应蛋白的活性,以多药耐药性活性因子值(MAF)表征多药耐药性。结果表明EFLUXX-ID®染料对抑制剂具有良好的特异性,而Calcein AM染料(常用的MDR检测探针)无法检测BCRP活性。



1. Overexpression of P-glycoprotein and MRP-1 are pharmacogenomic biomarkers to determine steroid resistant phenotype in childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: P. Narayan, et al.; Pharmacogenomics J. 21, 566 (2021)

2. Targeting poor proteasomal function with radioiodine eliminates CT26 colon cancer stem cells resistant to bortezomib therapy: J. H. Lee, et al.; Sci. Rep. 10, 14308 (2020)

3. Class III β-Tubulin Overexpression Induces Chemoresistance to Eribulin in a Leiomyosarcoma Cell Line: K. Yahiro, et al.; Anal. Cell. Pathol. (Amst.) 2018, 8987568 (2018), Application(s): Flow cytometry. MDR1 activity in human leiomysarcoma cell line SK-LMS-1

4. Soluble uric acid increases PDZK1 and ABCG2 expression in human intestinal cell lines via the TLR4-NLRP3 inflammasome and PI3K/Akt signaling pathway: M. Chen, et al.; Arthritis Res. Ther. 20, 20 (2018)

5. ABCB1 and ABCG2 drug transporters are differentially expressed in non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) and expression is modified by cisplatin treatment via altered Wnt signaling: M. Vesel, et al.; Respir. Res. 18, 52 (2017)

6. Expression and activity of multidrug resistance proteins in mature endothelial cells and their precursors: A challenging correlation: A. Krawczenko, et al.; PLoS One 12, e0172371 (2017), Application(s): Comparison of different MDR detection methods in endothelial non-cancerous cells

7. Identification of volasertib-resistant mechanism and evaluation of combination effects with volasertib and other agents on acute myeloid leukemia: Y. Adachi, et al.; Oncotarget 8, 78452 (2017), Application(s): Flow Cytometry; acute myeloid leukemia

8. Isomahanine induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and simultaneously triggers p38 MAPK-mediated apoptosis and autophagy in multidrug-resistant human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells: T. Utaipan, et al.; Oncol. Rep. 37, 1243 (2017), Application(s): Flow Cytometry; oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)




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