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Beta-glucan peptide



Beta-glucan peptide (BGP) is a high molecular weight (~100 kDa) polysaccharide extracted from the fungus Trametes versicolor.

BGP consists of a highly ramified glucan portion, comprising a beta 1-4…


Beta-glucan from Trametes versicolor - β(1➝4,1➝3, 1➝6)-glucan

Beta-glucan peptide (BGP) is a high molecular weight (~100 kDa)  polysaccharide extracted from the fungus Trametes versicolor.

BGP consists of a highly ramified glucan portion, comprising a beta 1-4 main chain and beta 1-3 side chain, with beta 1-6 side chains covalently linked to a polypeptide portion rich in aspartic, glutamic and other amino acids.

BGP activates murine macrophages and HEK-Blue™ Dectin-1 cells. Detection of β-glucans by Dectin-1 receptor leads to the CARD9-dependent activation of NF-κB and MAP kinases.


Specificity: Dectin-1 ligand

Synonym: BGP

Solubility: Water (5 mg/ml)

Partial structure: β(1➝4,1➝3, 1➝6)-glucan


b(1⇾3, 1⇾6)-linkages found in beta-glucan peptide


  • 50 mg beta-glucan peptide

room temperature Beta-glucan peptide is shipped at room temperature.

store Store at room temperature.


Responses to b-glucans.

Responses to β-glucans.
RAW-Blue™ cells and HEK-Blue™ mDectin-1 cells, which express the mouse dectin-1a gene, were stimulated with 100 µg/ml of various β-glucans.
After 24h incubation, NF-κB activation was assessed by measuring the levels of SEAP (secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase) using the QUANTI-Blue™ assay.


Stimulatory activity of Dectin-1 ligands

Stimulatory activity of Dectin-1 ligands:
HEK-Blue™ hDectin-1a and HEK-Blue™ hDectin-1b cells were stimulated with 1 µg/ml or 10 µg/ml Dectin-1 ligands, respectively, and 10 µg/ml TDB.
After 24h incubation, Dectin-1-induced NF-κB activation was assessed by measuring the levels of SEAP using the QUANTI-Blue™ assay.



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上一篇:Blasticidin (solution)

